Deep Learning meetup: ChatGPT – Self-reflecting/directing machines // Segment Anything

  • 15. Juni 2023
  • 18:30
  • kleiner Festsaal, F0.02, FH Technikum Wien


18:30 Welcome & Intro

  • Introduction by the VDLM organizers
  • Welcome by Sharwin Rezagholi and Christoph Henrichs from FH Technikum Wien and Technikum Wien Academy


  • After ChatGPT: The dawn of machines that self-reflect and self-direct
    Matthias Samwald, MedUni Wien
    Large language models demonstrate outstanding capabilities, but significant challenges remain regarding their ability to solve complex reasoning tasks, as well as their transparency, robustness, truthfulness and ethical alignment. In this talk, I outline how different strands of research and development—from structured reasoning, evaluation, explainable AI, systems security and ethics—will have to converge to yield powerful new machines that self-direct and self-reflect.

:: Announcements & Job Openings ::
:: Break & Networking ::


  • Segment Anything – Architecture and Use Cases
    René Donner,
    Meta’s recent release of Segment Anything has raised the bar for zero-shot segmentation frameworks. Trained on 11 million images and 1.1 billion masks it provides high-quality segmentation masks for subsequent tasks and it can also be prompted to yield different types of segmentations. We will look into the architecture of the system, the different types of tasks it help with and how to use it in practice.

:: Networking ::

21:30 Wrap up & End