
This innovation methodology for IPD shall especially include the following topics:

  1. Structured analysis of technical requirements from/at international customers
  2. Structured analysis of country-specific requirements (e.g., standards, laws, taxes, etc.)
  3. Structured analysis of financial planning and funding planning, for international projects
  4. Integrated overall planning for the development and execution of IPD projects
  5. Digitalization of project preparation and project execution, through the digital
    management and controlling tool
  6. Risk analysis and management of hedging measures for the project
  7. Training and consulting modules for young, newly employed, and existing project staff
    in SMEs, using hybrid teaching formats for the important phases of IPD
  8. Documentation templates for project presentation to national and international
    banks and funding agencies
  9. Dissemination of project results, in scientific and practice-oriented media
Data-Driven, Smart & Secure Systems
Department Computer Science
von Oktober 2022 bis Dezember 2024
Dr. Christian Nebenführ
Dr. Christian Nebenführ

Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Lehrgangsleiter ERP-Consulting

+43 664 889 630 73christian.nebenfuehr@technikum-wien.at