Benedikt Salzbrunn, MSc

Lehrgangsleiter User Experience Management
Senior Lecturer/Researcher


+43 1 333 40
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Persönliche Daten und Ausbildung

  • seit September 2008 beschäftigt an der FH Technikum Wien
  • Diplomarbeit zum Thema Software-Usability: “Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Usability-Tests verschiedener Softwaretypen in unterschiedlichen Projektphasen“
  • Master Studium Informationsmanagement und Computersicherheit an der FH Technikum Wien
  • Bachelor Studium Informatik an der FH Technikum Wien
  • GRG I Stubenbastei, 1010 Wien
  • geboren 1984 in Wien

Tätigkeitsbereiche an der FH Technikum Wien

  • Leiter Stadt Wien Kompetenzteam Usability von IT
  • Lehrgangsleitung User Experience Management
  • Mitbegründer und Leiter des Usability Labors an der FH Technikum Wien
  • Software Usability und Webmarketing Analyse mittels Eyetracking, Einsatz der im Usability Labor befindlichen Remote- und Head-mounted Eyetracking-Systeme
  • Lektor in allen informatiknahen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen
  • Koordinator der Usability-Lehrveranstaltungen des Instituts für Informatik

Schwerpunkte der Lehre

  • Soft- und Hardware Usability
  • User Experience und Interaction Design
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Eyetracking


rapid UX-score: Modulare und Adaptive Messung von User Experience
  • Benedikt Salzbrunn, Christine Kipke, Marc Busch, Marco della Schiava (2020)
  • Mensch und Computer 2020
rapid UX-score: Modulare und Adaptive Messung von User Experience
  • Benedikt Salzbrunn, Marc Busch, Marco della Schiava, Christine Kipke (2020)
  • Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband
Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung von Human Machine Interfaces zur Wildtiererkennung während der Frühjahrsmahd
  • Elisabeth Gurdet, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Wilfried Kubinger (2018)
  • Tagungsband des 21. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums
Intelligent Film Assistant for Personalized Video Creation on Mobile Devices
  • Dominik Schoerkhuber, Florian Seitner, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Margrit Gelautz, Georg Braun (2017)
  • Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (ACM 2017)
Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student – The Example of Computer Science Education at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
  • Robert Pucher, Gerd Holweg, Thomas Mandl, Benedikt Salzbrunn (2015)
  • Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student (GUIDE) 2015
Mobile learning in tradtional face to face courses in computer science education
  • Robert Pucher, Gerd Holweg, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Christian Kollmitzer (2015)
  • Proceedings of the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) 2016
User Experience and Usability Engineering Education in Computer Science
  • Robert Pucher, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2015)
  • Proceedings of the 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) 2015
The Challenge of Educating UX Professionals - How To Tailor to Corporate Needs
  • Veronika Winter, Dominik Dolezal, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Robert Pucher (2014)
  • Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2014)
Software Usability for Programmers - Lessons Learned from one Decade of Teaching
  • Robert Pucher, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Veronika Winter, Dominik Dolezal (2014)
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2014)
Usability - Software companies still need to learn how to satisfy their users
  • Benedikt Salzbrunn, Dominik Dolezal, Veronika Winter, Robert Pucher (2014)
  • Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2014)
Persona Characteristics - To What Extent are Templates suitable for Students
  • Veronika Winter, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Dominik Dolezal, Robert Pucher (2014)
  • Proceedings of the Forum Medientechnik (FMT 2014)
User Experience Database: Student-Generated Content in Higher Education
  • Benedikt Salzbrunn, Dominik Dolezal, Robert Pucher (2013)
  • Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2013)
Mobile learning apps and educational web-platforms for organizational aspects of teaching
  • Robert Pucher, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Kerstin Stöckelmayr, Michael Tesar (2011)
  • International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)
Early Software Prototyping for Usability Tests using low cost tools for teaching purposes
  • Benedikt Salzbrunn, Michael Tesar, Kerstin Stöckelmayr, Robert Pucher (2011)
  • In Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED),
The QUADRO Project - Integration E-Learning Elements with Social Networks to Simplify the Daily Life of IT-Students
  • Robert Pucher, Michael Tesar, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Romana Feichtinger, Benedikt Salzbrunn (2010)
  • Proceedings of the International Workshop GUIDE 2010
Kollaboratives Forschen und Lernen mit dem Web 2.0 zur Senkung der Dropout-Rate
  • Michael Tesar, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Romana Feichtinger (2010)
  • Schewa Mandel, Manuel Rutishauser, Eva Seiler Schiedt (Hrsg.): Digitale Medien für Lehre und Forschung
Critical Usability-Evaluation of mobile device applications for m-learning purposes
  • Romana Feichtinger, michael Tesar, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Robert Pucher (2010)
  • In Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) 2010, Valencia, Spain. March 8th – 10th 2010