FH-Prof. Mag. DI Dr. Friedrich Praus
Studiengangsleiter Bachelor Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme
Studiengangsleiter Bachelor Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien
Open-Source Crypto IP Cores for FPGAs - Overview and Evaluation
Software security requirements in building automation
Identifying Unsecured Building Automation Installations
Spotting Unsecured KNX Installations
Large scale integration and evaluation of aal technologies in eastern austria - the modulaar project
Ambient Assitive Technologies: The mobile robot P3AAT
Source Code Plagiarism in Computer Engineering Courses
Design & development of a prototype android app for a KNX home
ANT goes KNX - an open platform gateway for ANT and KNX
Unterstützungstechnologien in Smart Homes: kostengünstig & praxisnah
Software security requirements in building automation
A Diabetes Self-Management Prototype in an AAL-Environment to Detect Remarkable Health States
KNX in academic education and training
KNX security devices
Security in Smart Homes and Buildings
A Diabetes Self-Management Prototype in an AAL-Environment to Detect Remarkable Health States
Secure Control Applications in Smart Homes and Buildings
Secure Control Applications in Smart Homes and Buildings
Source Code Plagiarism in Computer Engineering Courses
Secure Control Applications in Smart Homes and Buildings
Secure Control Applications in Smart Homes and Buildings