FH-Prof. DI Dr. Lars Mehnen
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
- TU-Wien: Dipl.Ing. der Technischen Informatik und Medizinischen Informatik, Dr. Techn. (Institut für Grundlagen und Theorie der Elektrotechnik und am Institut für Technische Mathematik)
Beruflicher Werdegang
- 2019- Now Lector at UAS Technikum Wien for Computer Science, Austria.
- 2010-2013 Austrian representative of the QB50 (EC F7) initiative cooperating with more then 50 universities. GFWG task force membeer coordinating the radio communication, security and the authentication services.
- 2006-2010 Coordinator of the GENSO (Global Education Network for Satellite Operations) main server, administrator, programmer and designer – an ESA (European Space Agency) initiative cooperating with more then 6 universities. Taskleader for the network communication, security and the authentication services.
- 2004-2007 University Assistant at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electrical Engineering, Austria.
- 2003- 2019 Lector at the UAS Technikum Wien for Biomedical Engineering, Austria.
- 2002-2006 Task leader for the EC-Project B-Sens, an European project in the 5th framework, involving 5 European countries, several university institutions and commercial companies.
- 1998-2002 Research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology,
- Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electro technical Engineering, Austria.
- 1999-2006 Coordinator, main server administrator for the SSETI (Student Space Education and Technology Initiative) association. An European micro satellite project (initiated by ESA), which successfully launched it’s first micro-satellite end of 2005.
- Core member of the SSETI Express team (UHF module, ground-station server, structures fabrication, …)
- 1997-1998 Programmer for Telecommunication-Switches
- at SIEMENS Austria.
- 1993-1996 Technical assistant at an FFF (Forschungsförderungsfonds)
- Project at the “Institut für Verfahrens und Umwelttechnik” at the Vienna University of Technology.
- Project: Biological waste air treatment. This project successfully resulted in a SONY patent and is actually used at ÖMV, BMW, VW, Krems Chemie and further European companies.
- Optimisation of a control parameters of highly nonlinear bioreactor feedback loop using evolutionary strategies.
- 1996-2002 Tutor for Computer Simulations, Mathematics department, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- 1994-1996 Tutor for Oracle, Databases department, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- 1987 -2004 Main server administrator, security manager and programmer at the GLI mbH (Gesellschaft für Logistik und Informationssysteme) in Munich, Germany. A worldwide operating company, specialized in EDIFACT, ELFE.
Tätigkeitsbereiche an der FH Technikum Wien / Schwerpunkt der Lehre
- Statistik
- Parametrische Statistik
- Nichtparametrische Statistik
- Multivariate Analyse
- Artificial Intelligence
- Logikorientierte Programmierung (Prolog)
- Klassische Künstliche Intelligenz
- Evolutionäre Algorithmen (EA)
- Neuronale Netze
- Aerodynamik (Sportgerätetechnik)
- Physik (für Gameengineering)
- Programmierung
- Objektorientierte Modellierung (UML)
- Java
- Lisp
- C/C++
- C#
- Cobol
- Matlab
- R
- Compilerbau
- Funktionale Programmierung
- Grundlagen der Informatik
- Datenbankensysteme
- Betriebssysteme und Netzwerke
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
- Modelbildung und Simulation
Thematische Interessen, F&E
- Explainable EA
- Nichtparametrische EA
- Nichtparametrische AI
Investigating Shape Variation Using Generalized Procrustes Analysis and Machine Learning
Identifying geographically differentiated features of Ethopian Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) morphology with machine learning
Investigating Explanatory Factors of Machine Learning Models for Plant Classification
Autonomous Vehicles: Vehicle Parameter Estimation Using Variational Bayes and Kinematics
Development of a paraglide control system for automatic pitch
Optimisation of Magnetostrictive Bilayer Sensors for Medical Applications
Cardiovascular Oscillations of the Carotid Artery Assessed by Magnetoelastic Skin Curvature Sensor
Contactless flow detection with magnetostrictive bilayers
Optical tissue absorption sensor on the thorax: Possibilities and restrictions
First magnetic material with sensitivity for the physical quantity 'curvature'
Magnetorestrictive bilayers for multi-functional sensor families
Method for continuous non-disturbing monitoring of blood pressure by magnetoelastic skin curvature sensor and ECG
Dynamic Measuring of Inductivity Changes by Adaptive Controlling and Lock-in Technique
Magnetoelastic bilayer concept for skin curvature sensor
Optimisation of sensitivity and time constant of thermal sensors based on magnetoelastic amorphous bilayers
Magnetostrictive amorphous bilayers and trilayers for thermal sensors
Displacement sensor based on an amorphous bilayer including a magnetostrictive component
Teaching & Learning Analytics for Data-Based Optimization of Teaching and Learning Processes in Courses with Blended Learning
Comparison of Unsupervised Learning Methods for Natural Image Processing
A principal component analysis based object detection for thermal infra-red images
Simulation of spinning soccer ball trajectories influenced by altitude
The SSETI Knowledge Base System
Functional Electro Stimulation Monitoring by Bending Sensitive Magnetostrictive Bilayer Sensors
Building a satellite over the internet
Reusability Study of a Meteosat Antenna for a Student MicroSatellite
First Magnetic Materials with Sensitivity for the Physical Quantity of 'Curvature'
Non-Contact Signal Detection of Multifunctional Bilayer Sensors
Manufacturing of Magnetorestrictive Macro Bilayers
Magnetostrictive bilayer sensors
Applicability of magnetostrictive amorphous trilayers for thermal sensors
Theoretical investigation of magnetorestrictive bilayers sensitive to bending or temperature changes
Assessment of fetal movements by skin curvature sensors
Working point optimisation of magnetoelastic bending sensor during long term monitoring
Magnetostrictive bending sensor for registration of eye movements and blink
Survey on the Biomedical Applicability of Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors
A Computerized Design for Exact Control of Two-Dimensional Induction Patterns
Biomedical Applicability of Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors
2D Magnetisation Control by Means of Evolutionary Algorithms
Adaptive measurements of blood pressure changes using magnetic sensor and ECG
Rotational Single Sheet Testing on Samples of Arbitrary Size and Shape
Kraujo Spaudimo Kitimo Matavimas Magnetiniu Sensoriumo
Effects of stress on permeability, losses and magnetostriction
Single Spot Registration of Oximetry, Heart Rate and Breathing for Comfortable Sleep Monitoring
Displacement sensor based on an amorphous bilayer
Magnetostrictive Skin Sensor for Apnea Detection
Development of a paraglide control system for automatic pitch stabilization to increase the passive safety