Lars Mehnen

FH-Prof. DI Dr. Lars Mehnen

Senior Lecturer/Researcher


+43 1 333 40


  • TU-Wien: Dipl.Ing. der Technischen Informatik und Medizinischen Informatik, Dr. Techn. (Institut für Grundlagen und Theorie der Elektrotechnik und am Institut für Technische Mathematik) 

Beruflicher Werdegang 

  • 2019- Now Lector at UAS Technikum Wien for Computer Science, Austria. 
  • 2010-2013 Austrian representative of the QB50 (EC F7) initiative cooperating with more then 50 universities. GFWG task force membeer coordinating the radio communication, security and the authentication services. 
  • 2006-2010 Coordinator of the GENSO (Global Education Network for Satellite Operations) main server, administrator, programmer and designer – an ESA (European Space Agency) initiative cooperating with more then 6 universities. Taskleader for the network communication, security and the authentication services. 
  • 2004-2007 University Assistant at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electrical Engineering, Austria. 
  • 2003- 2019 Lector at the UAS Technikum Wien for Biomedical Engineering, Austria. 
  • 2002-2006 Task leader for the EC-Project B-Sens, an European project in the 5th framework, involving 5 European countries, several university institutions and commercial companies. 
  • 1998-2002 Research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology, 
  • Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electro technical Engineering, Austria. 
  • 1999-2006 Coordinator, main server administrator for the SSETI (Student Space Education and Technology Initiative) association. An European micro satellite project (initiated by ESA), which successfully launched it’s first micro-satellite end of 2005. 
  • Core member of the SSETI Express team (UHF module, ground-station server, structures fabrication, …) 
  • 1997-1998 Programmer for Telecommunication-Switches  
  • at SIEMENS Austria. 
  • 1993-1996 Technical assistant at an FFF (Forschungsförderungsfonds)  
  • Project at the “Institut für Verfahrens und Umwelttechnik” at the Vienna University of Technology. 
  • Project: Biological waste air treatment. This project successfully resulted in a SONY patent and is actually used at ÖMV, BMW, VW, Krems Chemie and further European companies. 
  • Optimisation of a control parameters of highly nonlinear bioreactor feedback loop using evolutionary strategies. 
  • 1996-2002 Tutor for Computer Simulations, Mathematics department, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 
  • 1994-1996 Tutor for Oracle, Databases department, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 
  • 1987 -2004 Main server administrator, security manager and programmer at the GLI mbH (Gesellschaft für Logistik und Informationssysteme) in Munich, Germany. A worldwide operating company, specialized in EDIFACT, ELFE. 

Tätigkeitsbereiche an der FH Technikum Wien / Schwerpunkt der Lehre 

  • Statistik 
  • Parametrische Statistik 
  • Nichtparametrische Statistik 
  • Multivariate Analyse 
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Logikorientierte Programmierung (Prolog) 
  • Klassische Künstliche Intelligenz 
  • Evolutionäre Algorithmen (EA) 
  • Neuronale Netze 
  • Aerodynamik (Sportgerätetechnik) 
  • Physik (für Gameengineering) 
  • Programmierung 
  • Objektorientierte Modellierung (UML) 
  • Java 
  • Lisp 
  • C/C++ 
  • C# 
  • Cobol 
  • Matlab 
  • Compilerbau 
  • Funktionale Programmierung 
  • Grundlagen der Informatik 
  • Datenbankensysteme 
  • Betriebssysteme und Netzwerke 
  • Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 
  • Modelbildung und Simulation 

Thematische Interessen, F&E 

  • Explainable EA 
  • Nichtparametrische EA 
  • Nichtparametrische AI


Investigating Shape Variation Using Generalized Procrustes Analysis and Machine Learning
  • Wilfried Wöber, Lars Mehnen, Manuel Curto, Papius Dias Tibihika, Genanaw Tesfaye, Harald Meimberg (2022)
  • Applied Sciences, pp. 26
Identifying geographically differentiated features of Ethopian Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) morphology with machine learning
  • Wilfried Wöber, Manuel Curto, Papius D. Tibihika, Paul Meulenboek, Esayas Alemayehu, Lars Mehnen, Harald Meimberg, Peter Sykacek (2021)
  • PlosONE
Investigating Explanatory Factors of Machine Learning Models for Plant Classification
  • Wilfried Wöber, Lars Mehnen, Peter Sykacek, Harald Meimberg (2021)
  • Plants, pp. 20
Autonomous Vehicles: Vehicle Parameter Estimation Using Variational Bayes and Kinematics
  • Wilfried Wöber, Georg Novotny, Lars Mehnen, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal (2020)
  • Applied Sciences
Development of a paraglide control system for automatic pitch
  • Julian Obergruber, Lars Mehnen (2015)
  • Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA) 2016
Optimisation of Magnetostrictive Bilayer Sensors for Medical Applications
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Andreas Hasenzagl (2008)
  • International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Cardiovascular Oscillations of the Carotid Artery Assessed by Magnetoelastic Skin Curvature Sensor
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Giedrius Varoneckas, Audrius Alonderis, Linas Zakarevicius (2008)
  • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Contactless flow detection with magnetostrictive bilayers
  • Stefan Traxler, Jürgen Kosel, Helmut Pfützner, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Lars Mehnen, Ioanna Giouroudi (2008)
  • Sensors and Actuators A
Optical tissue absorption sensor on the thorax: Possibilities and restrictions
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen (2007)
  • International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
First magnetic material with sensitivity for the physical quantity 'curvature'
  • Helmut Pfützner, Kaniusas Eugenijus, Jürgen Kosel, Lars Mehnen, Turgut Meydan, Firuta Borza, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Alberto Merlo, Bernd Marquardt (2007)
  • Journal of Material Processing Technology
Magnetorestrictive bilayers for multi-functional sensor families
  • Helmut Pfützner, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Lars Mehnen, Turgut Meydan, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Alberto Merlo, Bernd Marquardt (2006)
  • Sensors and Actuators A
Method for continuous non-disturbing monitoring of blood pressure by magnetoelastic skin curvature sensor and ECG
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Juan C. Tellez-Blanco, Giedrius Varoneckas, Audrius Alonderis, Turgut Meydan, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Alberto Merlo, Bernd Marquardt (2006)
  • IEEE Sensors Journal
Dynamic Measuring of Inductivity Changes by Adaptive Controlling and Lock-in Technique
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Turgut Meydan, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Alberto Maria Merlo, Bernd Marquardt (2004)
  • Journal of Electrical Engineering
Magnetoelastic bilayer concept for skin curvature sensor
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Giedrius Varoneckas, Audrius Alonderis, Turgut Meydan, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Alberto Merlo, Bernd Marquardt (2004)
  • Ultrasound
Optimisation of sensitivity and time constant of thermal sensors based on magnetoelastic amorphous bilayers
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel, Juan C. Tellez-Blanco, Edin Mulasalihovic, Turgut Meydan, Manuel Vazquez, Michael Rohn, Carlo Malvicino, Bernd Marquardt (2004)
  • Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Magnetostrictive amorphous bilayers and trilayers for thermal sensors
  • Eugenijus Kaniusas, Lars Mehnen, Helmut Pfützner (2003)
  • Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Displacement sensor based on an amorphous bilayer including a magnetostrictive component
  • Lars Mehnen, Peter Svec, Helmut Pfützner, Pavel Duhaj (2003)
  • Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials