Simon Schneider

Simon Schneider, MSc

Leiter des Stadt Wien Kompetenzteams Lehre Klimafitte Stadtsanierung in der Lehre
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Kompetenzfeld Climate-fit Buildings and Districts


+43 1 333 40


New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards "Net Zero Energy Buildings" Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
  • Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöfmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
  • REAL CORP 2019
New assessment method for buildings and districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings" compatible with the energy scenario 2050
  • Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöffmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
  • Corp, pp. 10