Studienplan Fernstudium Elektronik/Wirtschaft ab 2020
1. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M1.1 Electrical Engineering 1 (M1.1) English / kMod | 9.00 - |
Electronic Engineering 1 (EE1) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Laboratory 1 (LAB) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
M1.2 Electronics 1 (M1.2) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Electronic Design (EDN) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M1.3 Natural Sciences 1 (M1.3) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Mathematics 1 (MAT) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M1.4 Computer Science 1 (M1.4) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Computer Science 1 (CS1) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M1.5 Communication 1 (M1.5) English / kMod | 3.00 - |
Professional and Social Communication (PSC) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Time and Self Management (TSM) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
2. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M2.1 Electrical Engineering 2 (M2.1) English / kMod | 9.00 - |
Electronic Engineering 2 (EE2) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Laboratory 2 (LAB) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
M2.2 Electronics 2 (M2.2) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Electronic Measurement & Control Engineering (EMM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M2.3 Natural Sciences 2 (M2.3) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Mathematics 2 (MAT) English / FUV | 3.00 2.00 |
Physics 1 (PHY) English / FUV | 3.00 2.00 |
M2.4 Computer Science 2 (M2.4) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Computer Science 2 (CSC) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M2.5 Communication 2 (M2.5) English / kMod | 3.00 - |
Team Work (WIT) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Technical and Creative Communication (ENG) English / SE | 1.50 1.00 |
3. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M3.1 Embedded Systems (M3.1) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Embedded Systems (EM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M3.2 Applied Science 1 (M3.2) English / kMod | 9.00 - |
Electronic Project 1 (EP1) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Physics 2 (PHY) English / FUV | 3.00 2.00 |
M3.3 Economy 1 (M3.3) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Business Administration 1 (BA1) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M3.4 Computer Science 3 (M3.4) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Computer Science 3 (CS) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M3.5 Personal Skills 1 (M3.5) English / kMod | 3.00 - |
Economics, Technology and Society (EC) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Presentation Skills and Communication (PB) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Sonstiges (SOdl) English / MOD | - |
Social Event (SOEVdl) English / SO | - |
4. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M4.1 Telecommunication (M4.1) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Communication Technologies (DLCOT) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M4.2 Applied Science 2 (M4.2) English / kMod | 9.00 - |
Electronic Project 2 (DLEP2) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Physics 3 (PHY3) English / FUV | 3.00 2.00 |
M4.3 Economy 2 (M4.3) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Business Administration 2 (DLBA2) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M4.4 Computer Science 4 (M4.4) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Computer Science 4 (DLCS4) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M4.5 Personal Skills 2 (M4.5) English / kMod | 3.00 - |
Business Communication for Engineers (DLPS) English / SE | 1.50 1.00 |
Moderation & Problem Solving Techniques (DLM) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
5. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M5.1 Specialization 1 (M5.1) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Specialization Embedded Systems (DLSES) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Industrial Electronics (DLSIE) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Technology Management (DLTM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Telecommunication (DLSTC) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M5.2 Industrial Electronics (M5.2) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Industrial Electronics (DLIE) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M5.3 Management (M5.3) English / kMod | 12.00 - |
Business Management (DLBM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Quality Management (DLQM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M5.4 Practial Skills 3 (M5.4) English / kMod | 6.00 - |
Advanced Technical Communication and Engineering Ethics (DLATC) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Leadership (DLLS) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |
Scientific Practice (DLSP) English / FUV | 3.00 2.00 |
Sonstiges (SOdl) English / MOD | - |
Social Event (SOEVdl) English / SO | - |
6. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
M6.1 Specialization 2 (M6.1) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Specialization Embedded Systems (DSES) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Industrial Electronics (DSIE) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Technology Management (DSTM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
Specialization Telecommunication (DSTC) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M6.2 Technology Management (M6.2) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Technology Management (TMM) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M6.3 Business Law (M6.3) English / iMod | 6.00 - |
Business Law (BL) English / FUV | 6.00 4.00 |
M6.4 Internship (M6.4) English / iMod | 9.00 - |
Internship (IS) English / BE | 9.00 1.00 |
M6.5 Practial Skills 4 (M6.5) English / kMod | 3.00 - |
Advanced Communication (ADC) English / SE | 1.50 1.00 |
Change Management (CMM) English / FUV | 1.50 1.00 |