Studienplan: Master Renewable Energy Engineering
Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen des Studiengangs. Die Darstellung unterliegt laufenden Aktualisierungen und entspricht nicht zwangsläufig dem Studienplan für das nächste Studienjahr. Module, die sich über mehrere Semester erstrecken, werden jeweils mit der ECTS-Zahl für alle Semester angezeigt.
- kMod: kumulatives Modul (jede LV besitzt eine eigene Prüfung)
- iMod: integratives Modul mit abschließender Modulprüfung
- UE: Übung
- ILV: Integrative Lehrveranstaltung
- E: Seminar
- LAB: Laborstunden
- TUT: Tutorien
1. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Control Technology (M11) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Control Technology (CT) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Ecology, Energy and Society (M15) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Ecology and Society (ECS) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Ethics in Technology (ET) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Energy Storage (M12) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Energy Storage Technologies (ENSTO) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Innovation und Investition (M16) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Innovation and Technology Management (INNTM) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Investment and Financing (INFIN) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Modelling and Simulation (M13) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Introduction to Modelling and Simulation (IMS) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Specialization Track I (M14) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Specialization Focus Definition and Scientific Methods (SDSM) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
2. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Concepts and Evaluation (M21) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Assessment Methods (ASSM) English / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Energy Planning (ENPL) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Digital Systems (M22) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Digital Systems in Energy Industry (DSE) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Economics (M25) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Energy Economics (EECO) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Marketing (M26) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Marketing and Supply (MASU) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Modelling and Simulation II (M23) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Advanced Modelling and Simulation (AMS) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Specialization Track II (M24) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Applied Topic-Specific Methods (ATSM) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
3. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Current Topics (M33) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Current Topics in Renewable Energy Supply (CTRES) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Digital Leadership (M36) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Digital Leadership (DLS) English / UE | 5.00 3.00 |
Energy Management (M32) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Supply and Demand Side Management (SDSM) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Law (M35) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Energy and Environmental Law (ENEL) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Process Optimization and Assessment (M31) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) English / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Process Optimization (PRO) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Specialization Track III (M34) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Master Project (MAPR) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
4. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Master Thesis (M41) English / iMod | 25.00 - |
Master Thesis (MT) English / SO | 25.00 1.00 |
Master Thesis Seminar (M42) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Master Thesis Seminar (MTSE) English / SE | 5.00 2.00 |