Studienplan: Master Internet of Things & Intelligente Systeme
Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen des Studiengangs. Die Darstellung unterliegt laufenden Aktualisierungen und entspricht nicht zwangsläufig dem Studienplan für das nächste Studienjahr. Module, die sich über mehrere Semester erstrecken, werden jeweils mit der ECTS-Zahl für alle Semester angezeigt.
Da die Masterstudiengänge derzeit weiterentwickelt werden, kommt es zu Änderungen bzw. Lücken in der Anzeige der Lehrveranstaltungsinformationen. Diese werden laufend ergänzt.
- kMod: kumulatives Modul (jede LV besitzt eine eigene Prüfung)
- iMod: integratives Modul mit abschließender Modulprüfung
- UE: Übung
- ILV: Integrative Lehrveranstaltung
- SE: Seminar
- LAB: Laborstunden
- TUT: Tutorien
1. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Data Management (M15) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Data Management (DM) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Innovation- and Technologymanagement (M16) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Innovation- and Technologymanagement (ITMA) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
IoT Operating Systems (M13) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
IoT Operating Systems (IOS) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
IoT System Models (M12) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
IoT System Models (ISM) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Mobile and Wireless Systems (M14) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Mobile and Wireless Systems (MWS) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Networking (M11) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Networking (NET) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
2. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Artificial Intelligence of Things (M23) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Artificial Intelligence of Things (ITT) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Data Analysis (M25) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Data Analysis (DAA) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
IT- and Data Protection Law (M26) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
IT- and Data Protection Law (IDR) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
IoT Systems Development (M21) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
IoT Systems Development (ISD) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Security (M24) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Security (SEC) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Sensor-/Actor Systems & Control Theory (M22) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Sensor-/Actor Systems & Control Theory (SAS) German / LAB | 5.00 3.00 |
3. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Automation (M31) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Automation (AUT) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Digital Leadership (M35) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Digital Leadership (MLS) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
Master's Project (M33) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Master's Project (MAP) German / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Scientific Work (M34) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Scientific Work (SCW) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
Specialization (M32) German / kMod | 10.00 - |
Advanced IoT Operating Systems (AIO) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Advanced IoT Systems Development (AID) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Advanced Networking (ANE) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
App Development (APP) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Digital Business Modelling (DBM) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
Embedded Security (ESE) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Sensor Data Analytics (SDA) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Software Development Processes (SDP) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
4. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Master Thesis (M41) German / iMod | 30.00 - |
Master’s Seminar (MAS) German / SE | 5.00 3.00 |
Master’s Thesis (MAT) German / SO | 25.00 1.00 |