Studienplan: Master Medical Engineering & eHealth
Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen des Studiengangs. Die Darstellung unterliegt laufenden Aktualisierungen und entspricht nicht zwangsläufig dem Studienplan für das nächste Studienjahr. Module, die sich über mehrere Semester erstrecken, werden jeweils mit der ECTS-Zahl für alle Semester angezeigt.
Da die Masterstudiengänge derzeit weiterentwickelt werden, kommt es zu Änderungen bzw. Lücken in der Anzeige der Lehrveranstaltungsinformationen. Diese werden laufend ergänzt.
- kMod: kumulatives Modul (jede LV besitzt eine eigene Prüfung)
- iMod: integratives Modul mit abschließender Modulprüfung
- UE: Übung
- ILV: Integrative Lehrveranstaltung
- SE: Seminar
- LAB: Laborstunden
- TUT: Tutorien
1. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Device Engineering (M12) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Instrumentation (BIMED) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Microprocessor Applications in Medicine (MAM) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Digital Management (M15) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Company Simulation (COSI) English / SE | 3.00 2.00 |
Digital Leadership (DILS) English / UE | 2.00 1.00 |
Medicine Systems (M13) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Cellular Electrophysiology and Bioimpedance (CEBI) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Workflows and Communication (WOCO) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Project 1 (M11) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Project-Related Teamwork 1 (PRT1) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Specialisation 1 (M14) English / iMod | 10.00 - |
Advanced Programming for Medicine (APME) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Medical Information Systems (MEIS) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Modelling in Cardiovascular Systems (CVD) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Respiration Technologies (REST) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
2. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Data Driven Medicine (M23) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Study Design and Biostatistics (STDB) English / SE | 2.00 1.00 |
eHealth (EHEA) English / SE | 3.00 2.00 |
Project 2 (M21) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Project-Related Teamwork 2 (PRT2) English / PRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Regulatory Issues (M22) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
EU Law and Regulations (EULR) English / SE | 2.00 1.00 |
Processes for Medical Device and System Design (PMED) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Research & Productivity (M25) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Scientific Publishing (SCPU) English / SE | 3.00 2.00 |
Self Management (SELM) English / SE | 2.00 1.00 |
Specialisation 2 (M24) English / kMod | 10.00 - |
Advanced / Applied Optics (AAOP) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Biomechanics for Medicine (BMME) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Informatics of Biological Systems (IBSY) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
3. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Business & Ethics (M35) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Business Modelling (BUSM) English / SE | 3.00 2.00 |
Ethics (ETHI) English / SE | 2.00 1.00 |
Master Thesis Project (M31) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Master Thesis Project (MTHP) English / IPRJ | 5.00 3.00 |
Planning of Health Facilities (M33) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Clinical Engineering (CE) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Sustainability in Life Sciences (SULS) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Science in Medicine (M32) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Advanced Analysis of Medical Data (AAMD) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Scientific Skills (SCSK) English / SE | 2.00 1.00 |
Specialisation 3 (M34) English / kMod | 10.00 - |
BME for Therapy & Rehabilitation (BMET) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Biosignal Acquisition and Analysis (BSAA) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility (ELCO) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Image Analysis (IMAA) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
4. Semester
Bezeichnung | ECTS SWS |
Master Thesis (M41) English / iMod | 25.00 - |
Master Thesis (MATH) English / - | 25.00 - |
Master Thesis Seminar (M42) English / iMod | 5.00 - |
Master Thesis Seminar (MASE) English / SE | 5.00 3.00 |