Publikationen des Department Applied Mathematics & Physics
Notions of Completeness in the EPR Discussion
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Lukas Mairhofer (2023)
- Entropy
Schreibwerkstatt. Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe beim Studienabschluss
- Karin Langer, Stefanie Lietze (2023)
- Exposé – Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Publizieren
Wen informiere ich eigentlich (nicht)? Informationsmaterial im Bildungsbereich barrierefrei zugänglich machen
- Stefanie Lietze, Karin Langer, Dóra Kertész (2023)
- dvb forum: Inklusion
Tree evolution processes for bucket increasing trees
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2023)
- Discrete Mathematics
Quasilocal corrections to Bondi’s mass-loss formula and dynamical horizons
- Albert Huber (2023)
- Physical Review D
Experimente zur Quanteninformation
- Lukas Mairhofer, Mira Maiwöger, Martin Riepl, Franz Embacher, Gerd Christian Krizek (2023)
- plusLucis
On bucket increasing trees, clustered increasing trees and increasing diamonds
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2022)
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
Remark on the quasilocal calculation of tidal heating: Energy transfer through the quasilocal surface
- Albert Huber (2022)
- American Physical Society - Physical Review D
Reconsidering the Relation Between “Matter Wave Interference” and “Wave–Particle Duality”
- Lukas Mairhofer, Oliver Passon (2022)
- Foundations of Physics
On multisets, interpolated multiple zeta values and limit laws.
- Markus Kuba (2022)
- Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Stellar evolution models with overshooting based on 3-equation non-local theories: II. Main sequence models of A- and B-type stars
- Felix Ahlborn, Friedrich Kupka, Achim Weiss, Martin Flaskamp (2022)
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
Stellar evolution models with overshooting based on 3-equation non-local theories: I. Physical basics and the computation of the dissipation rate
- Friedrich Kupka, Felix Ahlborn, Achim Weiss (2022)
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
The gravitational field of a massless particle on the horizon of a stationary black hole
- Albert Huber (2021)
- Classical and Quantum Gravity
Logarithmic integrals, zeta values, and tiered binomial coeffcients
- Michael E. Hoffmann, Markus Kuba (2021)
- Monatshefte fuer Mathematik
Surface effects and turbulent pressure. Assessing the Gas-Γ1 and Reduced-Γ1 empirical models.
- Kévin Belkacem, Friedrich Kupka, Jordan Philidet, Réza Samadi (2021)
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
On Path diagrams and Stirling permutations
- Markus Kuba, Anna Varvak (2021)
- Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, pp. 28
Hidden Killing fields, geometric symmetries and black hole mergers
- Albert Huber (2021)
- Annals of Physics, pp. 17
Accurate Short-Characteristics Radiative Transfer in A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical Research (ANTARES)
- Nadiia M. Kostogryz, Friedrich Kupka, Nikolai Piskunov, Damian Fabbian, Daniel Krüger, Laurent Gizon (2021)
- Solar Physics
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs Not-so-fine hyperfine-split vanadium lines in cool star spectra
- Yutong Shan, Ansgar Reiners, Damian Fabbian, Emilio Marfil, David Montes, Hugo M. Tabernero, Ignasi Ribas, Jose A. Caballero, Andreas Quirrenbach, Pedro J. Amado, Jesus Aceituno, Victor J. S. Bejar, Miriam Cortes-Contreras, Stefan Dreizler, Artie P. Hatzes, Thomas Henning, Sandra V. Jeffers, Adrian Kaminski, Martin Kurster, Marina Lafarga, Juan Carlos Morales, Evangelos Nagel, Enric Palle, Vera M. Passegger, Cristina Rodriguez Lopez, Andreas Schweitzer, Mathias Zechmeister (2021)
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
Stellar evolution models with entropy-calibrated mixing-length parameter: application to red giants
- Federico Spada, Pierre Demarque, Friedrich Kupka (2021)
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.
Junction Conditions and local Spacetimes in General Relativity
- Albert Huber (2020)
- The European Physical Journal C
Matter-wave interference and deflection of tripeptides decorated with fluorinated alkyl chains
- Jonas Schätti, Valentin Köhler, Marcel Mayor, Yaakov Fein, Philipp Geyer, Lukas Mairhofer, Stefan Gerlich, Markus Arndt (2020)
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Quantum-Assisted Measurement of Atomic Diamagnetism
- Yaakov Fein, Armin Shayeghi, Lukas Mairhofer, Filip Kialka, Philipp Rieser, Philipp Geyer, Stefan Gerlich, Markus Arndt (2020)
- Physical Review
An Asymptotic Series for an Integral
- Michael E. Hoffman, Markus Kuba, Moti Levy, Guy Louchard (2020)
- Ramanujan Journal
An Asymptotic Series for an Integral
- Michael E. Hoffmann, Markus Kuba, Moti Levy, Guy Louchard (2020)
- Ramanujan Journal
Individualität statt Diversität. Ein Plädoyer für einen neuen (alten) Fokus im Umgang mit Studierenden
- Stefanie Lietze, Karin Langer (2020)
- Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management
Vector AR3-App. A Good-Practice Example of Learning with Augmented Reality
- Karin Langer, Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek (2020)
- European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning
Concepts for long-baseline, high-mass matter-wave interferometry
- Filip Kialka, Benjamin Stickler, Klaus Hornberger, Yaakov Fein, Philipp Geyer, Lukas Mairhofer, Stefan Gerlich, Markus Arndt (2019)
- Physica Scripta
A Note on Harmonic number identities, Stirling series and multiple zeta values
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2019)
- International Journal of Number Theory, pp. 25
Stirling permutations containing a single pattern of length three
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2019)
- The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, pp. 23
Empirical Analysis of Safe Distance Calculation by the Stereoscopic Capturing and Processing of Images Through the Tailigator System
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Rene Hausleitner, Laura Böhme, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal (2019)
- sensors
A quantum ruler for magnetic deflectometry
- Lukas Mairhofer, Sandra Eibenberger, Armin Shayeghi, Markus Arndt (2018)
- Entropy
A Note on the generating function of p-Bernoulli numbers
- Markus Kuba (2018)
- Quaestiones Mathematicae
Modeling-based determination of physiological parameters of systemic VOCs by breath gas analysis, part 2.
- Susanne Teschl, Karl Unterkofler, Pawel Mochalski, Gerald Teschl, C. Ager, C.A. Mayhew, Julian King (2018)
- Journal of Breath Research
Lernvideos barrierefrei gestalten
- Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek (2018)
Connection of the SUMO Microscopic Traffic Simulator and the Unity 3D Graphic Engine to Evaluate V2X Communication-Based Systems
- Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Javier Errea-Moreno, Alberto Diaz-Alvarez, Carlos Biurrun-Quel, Luis Serrano-Arriezu, Markus Kuba (2018)
- Sensors
Quantum-assisted metrology of neutral vitamins in the gas-phase
- Lukas Mairhofer, Sandra Eibenberger, Joe Cotter, Marion Romirer, Armin Shayeghi, Markus Arndt (2017)
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition
On martingale tail sums in affine two-color urn models with multiple drawings
- Markus Kuba, Henning Sulzbach (2017)
- Journal of Applied Probability
Perspectives for Quantum Interference with Biomolecules and Biomolecular Clusters
- Philipp Geyer, Ugur Sezer, Jonas Rodewald, Lukas Mairhofer, Nadine Dörre, Philipp Haslinger, Sandra Eibenberger, Christian Brand, Markus Arndt (2016)
- Physica Scripta
Modeling of breath methane concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer
- A. Szabó, K. Unterkofler, P. Mochalski, Martin Jandacka, V. Ruzsanyi, G. Szabó, A. Mohácsi, S. Teschl, G. Teschl, J. King (2016)
- Journal of Breath Research
On the influence of inhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on exhaled VOCs concentrations
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2015)
- Proceedings of the 10. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen
Coherence in the presence of absorption and heating in a molecule interferometer
- Joe Cotter, Sandra Eibenberger, Lukas Mairhofer, Xiaxi Cheng, Peter Asenbaum, Markus Arndt, Kai Walter, Stefan Nimmrichter, Klaus Hornberger (2015)
- Nature Communications
Modeling-based determination of physiological parameters of systemic VOCs by breath gas analysis: a pilot study
- Karl Unterkofler, Julian King, Pawel Mochalski, Martin Jandacka, Helin Koc, Susanne Teschl, Anton Amann, Gerald Teschl (2015)
- Journal of Breath Research
Combinatorial families of multilabelled increasing trees and hook-length formulas.
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2015)
- Discrete Mathematics
On moment sequences and mixed Poisson distributions.
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2015)
- Probability Surveys
A modeling-based evaluation of isothermal rebreathing for breath gas analyses of highly soluble volatile organic compounds
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, P. Mochalski, H. Hinterhuber, H. Koc, Anton Amann (2012)
- Journal of Breath Research
The role of mathematical modeling in VOC analysis using isoprene as a prototypic example
- J. King, H. Koc, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, P. Mochalski, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2012)
- Journal of Breath Research
A mathematical model for breath gas analysis of volatile organic compounds with special emphasis on acetone
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, H. Koc, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2011)
- Journal of Mathematical Biology
Breath gas analysis for estimating physiological processes using anesthetic monitoring as a prototypic example
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, Anton Amann (2011)
- Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc.
Dynamic profiles of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath as determined by a coupled PTR-MS/GC-MS study
- J. King, H. Koc, K. Unterkofler, P. Mochalski, A. Kupferthaler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2010)
- Physiological Measurement
Physiological modeling of isoprene dynamics in exhaled breath
- J. King, H. Koc, K. Unterkofler, P. Mochalski, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2010)
- Journal of Theoretical Biology
Isoprene and acetone concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer
- J. King, A. Kupferthaler, K. Unterkofler, H. Koc, S. Teschl, G. Teschl, W. Miekisch, J. Schubert, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2009)
- Journal of Breath Research
A cardiovascular-respiratory control system model including state delay with application to congestive heart failure in humans
- J. Batzel, F. Kappel, Susanne Teschl (2005)
- Journal of Mathematical Biology
Modeling the human cardiovascular-respiratory control system with two state delays: an application to congestive heart failure
- Susanne Teschl, J. Batzel, F. Kappel (2000)
- Technical Report 191, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003 Bericht, Karl-Franzens-Universitat
Modeling the human cardiovascular-respiratory control system: an optimal control application to the transition to non-REM sleep
- Susanne Teschl, J. Batzel, F. Kappel (2000)
- Technical Report 190, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003, Karl-Franzens-Universität
Das eLab der FH Technikum Wien und der Einsatz von Lernvideos in den standardisierten Bachelor-Mathematiklehrveranstaltungen
- Gudrun Weisz, Gerd Christian Krizek, Franz Embacher (2023)
Asymptotic expansions of Integrals, Moment convergence and Multiple zeta values
- Markus Kuba-Kremser (2023)
Recent Theoretical Advances about Core Overshooting and Convective Penetration from a Convective Envelope
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
Non-local Models of Convective Core Overshooting in A- and B-type Stars
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
Compressible Double-Diffusive Convection
- Friedrich Kupka, Florian Zaussinger (2023)
The Challenge of Numerical Simulations of Convection
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
Reynolds Stress Models and Convective Overshooting
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
Interface with WP123200
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
A Turbulent Context
- Friedrich Kupka (2023)
Entanglement: From Philosophy to Quantum Information - and
back Experiments on Bell-inequalties - threat to the Theory of Relativity?
- Lukas Mairhofer, Mira Maiwöger (2022)
From foundational research to application - Training Quantum Engineers
- Lukas Mairhofer (2022)
Dying Experiments
- Lukas Mairhofer (2022)
Requirements from WP123200
- Friedrich Kupka (2022)
Numerical Simulation of A-type and White Dwarf Stars
- Friedrich Kupka (2022)
Improvements to the Short-Characteristics Method in 3D RHD Simulations and some Unsolved Problems in Spectral Line Shapes of A-type Stars
- Friedrich Kupka (2021)
Improvements in Numerical and Analytical Modelling Techniques to Study the Solar Surface
- Friedrich Kupka (2021)
Advanced Convection Modelling in Asteroseismology and Stellar Evolution
- Friedrich Kupka (2021)
On the Potential of the Reynolds Stress Approach to Model Convective Overshooting in Grids of Stellar Evolution Models
- Friedrich Kupka (2021)
Bridging Diversity
- Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek, Gabriela Brezowar, Stefan Beck (2019)
Biographical information from monasterial archives: Ernst Mach's school year at the Gymnasium of the Benedictines in Seitenstetten
- Harald Stockinger (2018)
Blended Learning Platforms for Mathematics and Physics. The Open Educational Resources of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Stefanie Lietze, Gabriela Brezowar (2018)
Inanspruchnahme, Effektivität und inhaltliche Relevanz der Mathematik-Brückenkurse an der Fachhochschule Technikum Wien.
- Anna Pacher, Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek (2018)
The Global Math Project
- Emil Simeonov, Barbara Pieronkiewicz (2017)
Is Mathematics an Issue of General Education?
- Emil Simeonov (2017)
Reproducibility and verification od real time breath VOCs concentration data by modeling
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2017)
Living Mathematics—some limits for abstraction in mathematics and their relation to experience
- Emil Simeonov (2015)
Modeling the dynamic of breath methane concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2015)
On the influence of inhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on exhaled VOCs concentrations
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2015)
Combinatorial analysis of growth models for series-parallel networks.
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2015)
Limit laws for urn models with multiple drawings
- Markus Kuba (2015)
Structure, Semiosis and Time - Anticipation and Surprise Recognition of Structure and Gestalt – exemplified by similarities between music and mathematics
- Emil Simeonov (2014)
Mathematical modeling for breath gas analysis
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, H. Koc, S. Teschl (2011)
Mathematical modelling of blood-gas kinetics'' for validation of breath-based diagnostics
- H. Koc, K. Unterkofler, Anton Amann, Susanne Teschl (2009)
Educational Activities with Photonics Explorer
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Karin Langer, Erich Leitgeb, Dana Seyringer, Paul Schreivogl, Arno Grabher-Meyer (2022)
- 2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications (CoBCom), pp. 7
Getting started – eigene Lehrvideos gestalten
- Stefanie Lietze, Karin Langer, Gerd Christian Krizek (2021)
- Conference: Hochschulen im digitalen (Klima)Wandel
Aufbau und Betrieb eines E-Learning Labors zur Lehrvideoproduktion
- Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek, Gabriela Brezowar (2019)
- Tagungsband, pp. 7
Biographical information from monasterial archives: Ernst Mach's school year at the Gymnasium of the Benedictines in Seitenstetten
- Harald Stockinger (2018)
- History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics
Blended Learning Platforms for Mathematics and Physics. The Open Educational Resources of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Stefanie Lietze, Gabriela Brezowar (2018)
- iCERi, 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Inanspruchnahme, Effektivität und inhaltliche Relevanz der Mathematik-Brückenkurse an der Fachhochschule Technikum Wien.
- Anna Pacher, Stefanie Lietze, Gerd Christian Krizek (2018)
- Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018
Blended Learning Plattformen für Mathematik und Physik – die offenen Bildungsressourcen der Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
- Gerd Christian Krizek, Gabriela Brezowar, Stefanie Lietze (2018)
- Open Access Tage, Graz
Traces and Patterns. Pictures of Interferences and Collisions in the Physics Lab
- Lukas Mairhofer, Anne Dippel (2017)
- Traces. Generating What Was There
Observing the Unobservable: Quantum Interference of Complex Macromolecules
- Lukas Mairhofer (2017)
- Interferences - Events
Reproducibility and verification od real time breath VOCs concentration data by modeling
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2017)
- Proceedings des Forschungsforum 2017 der österreichischen Fachhochschulen
Beobachtung in den Naturwissenschaften und bei Brecht
- Lukas Mairhofer (2017)
- Brecht und Naturwissenschaften
Is Mathematics an Issue of General Education?
- Emil Simeonov (2015)
- Mathematical Cultures: The London Meetings 2012-2014
Combinatorial analysis of growth models for series-parallel networks.
- Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer (2015)
- Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA) 2016
Modeling the dynamic of breath methane concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer
- Karl Unterkofler, Susanne Teschl (2015)
- 9. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Hagenberg
Physiological Modeling for Analysis of Exhaled Breath
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, H. Koc, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, P. Mochalski, H. Hinterhuber, Anton Amann (2013)
- Volatile Biomarkers - Non-Invasive Diagnosis in Physiology and Medicine
Mathematische Modellierung in der Atemgasanalyse
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, Anton Amann (2013)
- Schriftenreihe zur Didaktik der Mathematik der ÖMG
Volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath: real-time measurements, modeling, and bio-monitoring applications
- J. King, K. Unterkofler, G. Teschl, S. Teschl, Anton Amann (2012)
- The 1st International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care
Exhaled Breath Analysis - Quantifying the Storage of Lipophilic Compounds in the Human Body
- Anton Amann, J. King, A. Kupferthaler, K. Unterkofler, H. Koc, S. Teschl, H. Hinterhuber (2009)
- Proceedings of ECOpole
Modeling congestive heart failure: a control system model with state delay
- J. Batzel, Susanne Teschl, F. Kappel (2003)
- Proceedings of the 5th European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology tri-annual Conference (ECMTB Conference): Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine, Milano, Italy, July 2-6 2002.
Einführung in Mathematica
- Gerald Teschl, Susanne Teschl (2018)
MATLAB - Eine Einführung, mit Lösungen
- Susanne Teschl (2001)
Mathematik und Wirtschaft 1-5, Arbeitsbuch für HAK und ausführliche Lösungen
- Wolfgang Timischl, Manfred Schwaiger, Dieter Hebenstreit, Susanne Teschl, Eva Prugger (2016)
Angewandte Mathematik 1-5, Arbeitsbuch für HUM und ausführliche Lösungen
- Wolfgang Timischl, Manfred Schwaiger, Dieter Hebenstreit, Susanne Teschl, Eva Prugger (2016)
Portfolio für den Mathematikunterricht an Bildungsanstalten für Kindergartenpädagogik
- Ursula Petschnigg, Emil Simeonov, Daniela Mairinger, Christian Schmid (2014)
Mathematische Früherziehung - Formen
- Emil Simeonov, Daniela Mairinger, Christian Schmid (2014)
Mathematik für Informatiker, Band 2, Analysis und Statistik
- Gerald Teschl, Susanne Teschl (2014)
Ingenieurmathematik 4, Ausführliche Lösungen
- Wolfgang Timischl, Susanne Teschl (2014)
Mathematik für Informatiker, Band 1, Diskrete Mathematik und Lineare Algebra
- Gerald Teschl, Susanne Teschl (2013)
'Die Spieler die wir sind' - zu einer Denkfigur im Kaukasischen Kreidekreis
- Lukas Mairhofer (2014)
- Brecht Yearbook